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Best Pos Systems Quick Service Restaurants

The Best POS Systems for Quick-Service Restaurants

Few industries in the 21st Century are growing with as much speed and reliability as the quick-service restaurant industry. Driven by consumer demand for a dining experience that combines the convenience of traditional fast food with a higher caliber of menu options, quick-service restaurants are facing unparalleled opportunities for growth  and exceptional competition.

That’s why if you’re in the quick-service or fast-casual restaurant industry it’s crucial to make sure that every aspect of your business is operating at its most effective, from staff and management to the tools and technology you use every day. An individual device that’s easy to overlook, but as important as any other, is an effective POS system.

The Importance of POS Systems for Quick-Service Restaurants

Your restaurant’s POS system is the backbone of the front of the house, acting as a cash register, credit card terminal, receipt printer, host/hostess station, server station, and more. With advanced technology, POS systems take the form of software that can run on any quantity of several stations, like a basic payment station along with mobile and/or tableside tablets for added service.

A good POS system will speed up service, increase customer turnover, streamline management, and even perform sophisticated reporting and analytics to help your business grow. A good POS system will offer the following services and more:

  • Capabilities to accept credit cards, debit cards, cash
  • Manage tips, bar tabs, and other authorizations.
  • Create closeout reports.
  • Grant employee permissions like timing in and out.
  • Ring up orders.
  • Charge tax.
  • Apply discounts.
  • Manage customers.

Why POS Systems from Asimot are the Best Options for Quick Service Restaurants

Asimot Processing is an authorized retailer of POS systems, considered to be the first ever smart POS. In POS System Terminal addition to all the benefits offered by any modern point of sale system, systems offer sleek, professional-looking hardware, easy-to-use functionality, reliable Linux based back-end software, and a dedicated app market to help you customize your system to meet your restaurant’s specific needs.

Innovative analytics apps on the system like Insightics can provide a useful understanding of sales trends, customers, and other metrics, while others like can create custom profiles of your most loyal customers to help your staff get to know and serve them better.

With Mobile, servers can take a terminal right up to customers’ tables, sending order add-ons straight to the kitchen and taking payments with greater ease than has ever been possible before. Mobile and Mini are also useful for food truck owners and other mobile food vendors. Maybe most importantly, is one of the most secure POS systems in the business today.

When you get your POS terminal from Asimot, we’ll personally help you install and set up your system so you can hit the ground running. To learn more and schedule a free POS demo, fill out this convenient online form.

Take a Cloud-based solution to your business click here Cloud POS

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