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3 Simple Solutions To Run A Successfully Medium Restaurant Business

3 Simple Solutions to Run a Successfully Medium Restaurant Business

Problems Facing Without Table Management Software

A few days back visited a restaurant during a business hour and asked a waiter to arrange a table. First, he became blank and then he replies me i will check and tells you, sir, to find out whether there was any empty table. But he could not find any table in rush. Suddenly, I saw an empty table at the same time in the restaurant and managed to occupy it for myself.This is not a rare experience.

It is a common challenge for a restaurant to maintain a proper table management system in the business hours. And here lies the importance of Restaurant Management Software like Asimot POS

Asimot POS offers efficient table reservation system. Using this, you can book a table for your guests.

  • The real-time picture shows you how many tables are occupied and how many of them are free at a particular hour.
  • It helps managers to manage the floor easily.
  • User interface design table status is a very useful feature. This helps to identify tables being cleaned and those that are waiting for a check and will be released soon.

Poorly Organised Menu Card in Restaurant

After they alot table, I picked up the menu card and started to look for my favourite dishes in the list. I confused with Menus items and maintain the poor quality of catalog in the restaurant and i called the waiter and asked whether the dish was available or not. The waiter agreed and took the order.

For restaurant menus are the perfect recipes to avoid the confusion for the customer. Putting the dishes under separate sub-heads helps the customers to order the right items as per the catalog and also decide on good combos pack. This can bring higher billing per table also.

Asimot Point of sale solves this problem with its beneficial features like

  • Easy-to-use e-menu or Menu on Mobile.
  • Menu items appear as visual and catch your eyes into a menu with nice pictures (optional).
  • Items can be sort in respective categories for smooth browsing & ordering.
  • It also lets you punch customer’s note preferences such as “extra spicy ” or “less spicy”.

Delay Service

However, while am waiting for my order to be served, I noticed the waiter about my order me and my friend. They tested our patience and we decided that next time we won’t visit again this restaurant again. It is a common experience for many food lovers to wait for a long period of time to just place the order. Such careless attitude will not help your restaurant to grow.To avoid all this Delay service by using the Asimot point of sale software, you can take orders within tablets. and you can send the items directly into the kitchen after This can cut down order taking time.

  • Orders taken over the tabs get printed as KOT(Kitchen Order Ticket) inside the kitchen section. to Service the order by monitoring the kitchen. it saves the time to run between kitchen to a floor).
  • Once the food is ready, chef updates the status and delivers the food in service area (Waiters no longer have to ask for their order, it is displayed)

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