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Android POS & Billing Software For  Restaurants Business

Android POS & Billing Software for Restaurants Business

Android POS Software at a low cost for mobile, tablet, and integrated terminals.

Android POS to work with Comfort

A portable, low-cost tablet and mobile point-of-sale system

Android POS clears the way on the sales counter. To boost last-minute sales, use the space to display relevant and reasonably priced items.

Billing in a display with a touchscreen

Android POS requires less manual labor because orders, table management, and sales can all be completed with a single touch.

Food trucks, events, and food fairs can all benefit from this portable system.

Using an Android POS allows you to use a portable and compact billing system that you can use at food trucks, events, and food fairs.

Android terminals and handhelds are available.

This many offers a printer-integrated all-in-one Android terminal or handheld. Set up an industry-grade, stylish Point of Sale that complements your restaurant’s design.

Wirelessly print KOTs to the kitchen

 Standard Bluetooth and network printers are supported by Asimot Android POS. You can also distribute your KOTs across printers located in different kitchens.

Get your Android POS app now Follow the below Step

Step –1

Try to register with Asimot Mobile POS.

Step-2 Get the Asimot app from the Play store.

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