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Online Payment Unavu Pos

Asimot app Pos , Done the Right Way

Why Online Payment?

Businesses often come to us with a requirement of extending the smooth online payment experience through Asimot App at their offline stores as well. We had plans around this but in an extended timeline. Then demonetization came along and everything changed overnight, literally. Merchants reported dipped volume in online sales through Cash on Delivery, but the omnichannel partners were hit the hardest in offline stores due to customers being extra cautious with cash.

As a payment partner we decided to take the problem of cash crunch head on and our product team has been working tirelessly day and night to build a solution for our merchants. we came out with the Asimot App, a smart and easy way to accept online payments at time of purchase in the brick and mortar world.

What Are the Benefits?

The goal is to provide a real alternative to cash and deliver a seamless user experience without compromising the user data.

There are several use cases of how a merchant can use this. Once registered with us as a userapp, which can be done via the app, any merchant can create an order through the app and then accept payments through any non-cash modes like Credit / Debit Card, Net banking, and Online Wallets.

This Is How It Works for Accepting Credit Card / Debit Card Payments:


Security Aspects:

The easier way to make the product would have been to conduct the entire payment on the userapp. But there are major security concerns here. If the customer has to carry out the transaction at the Asimot App itself, then they need to input the card number, expiry date, CVV and the OTP / Second Factor Password to complete the transaction. All these details can be easily cloned while being entered on the device for nefarious purposes.

Even if the customer chooses OTP as his second factor of authentication, they are still not safe as the combination of Card Number, Expiry date, and CVV is enough to transact on any international payment gateway. The threat is even larger when instead of an OTP, the customer is using a Master card Secure / Verified by Visa password in which the attacker can do any online transaction without any hassle. A few banks even use the ATM PIN as the Second Factor, which is equally scary. Similar is the case with Net banking credentials which can be easily copied and reused to empty your bank account.

Empowering the Asimot App cannot come at the cost of endangering the consumer. With this belief we decided to carry out Card / Net banking transactions at the customer end.

A great by-product of demonetization has been the push for digital payments. The current scenario will accelerate the vision of a Digital India and will incentivise merchants to go cashless.
Asimot App is the tool that you need to do it the right way. The app is available here for offline merchants to download.

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