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Asimot POS: Your Friendly Retail POS System

As retail continues to evolve, your POS system needs to be able to keep up. When you’re choosing a retail POS system, consider all Asimot has to offer. Asimot POS is a growing, innovative retail solution perfect for any retail business. That’s not just a businesses grade; we back it up with features and benefits you need in the ever-changing marketplace. Choosing Asimot POS makes good business sense. Here’s why:


Retail sales don’t just happen in a material store anymore. They happen online and in-store. Sometimes one investment requires a customer making a payment online to pick up the goods in-store. Asimot POS offers multi-channel capacities. In fact, with Asimot, you can create your online store with a single click.


Asimot is a mobile POS system. Your retail employees don’t have to stand following a stand at a large organization that’s bolted to one location. Asimot works on an iPad, so your employees can walk the sales floor, answer customer questions, and check out visitors without ever sending someone to wait in line at a counter. This executes the purchasing experience seamless for your in-store customers.


With the mobility Asimot provides, employees can also access detailed product information for guests in real time. No more working behind to the storeroom to check dimensions, colors, compatibility or availability. All that information is with the sales team on the ground. You can also check inventory at other stores within your company on the iPad with Asimot. That saves them time it would ordinarily take to find a phone number, make a phone call, and wait for another staff member to visit the storeroom. It’s all there on the touchscreen.

Inventory Management

Now would be a good time to point out that Asimot POS provides real-time inventory management across all channels. If someone in the store purchases the last allowance item, the online customer will not be able to achieve their business. When a product is scanned for investment, it automatically adjusts the inventory tally on the POS system. Asimot even gives retailers a warning when inventory gets too low or when a certain item seems to be in high demand. That information can be understood up with a purchase order stretched out on the POS system, too.

Employee and Customer Friendly

Because Asimot POS uses the familiar touch-screen interface of an iPad, the learning curve for training employees is almost low. It’s customer-friendly in its customer loyalty feature and decreased wait time in checkout lines.


Asimot POS is a cloud-based system. That means it is more secure against cheating, can operate in real time beyond multiple locations, and is not dependent on a server managed by store personnel who are not trained in IT. It also means a retail manager can access employee sales numbers, store profitability, and customer metrics from anyplace there is an Internet connection. You don’t have to be on location following hours to look at the data.

Local Marketplace

Once your store is online with Asimot, your retail merchandise is automatically added to Asimot Marketplace. When local customers search for a specific item, instead of national and international retailers who offer the product topping the list of results, Asimot Marketplace displays local businesses who have it. This is excellent for smaller retailers who rely on local customers, for those concerned about the reproduction effects of shipping, and for customers who want to see an item firsthand before making a purchase.


Asimot POS automatically collects data and can create relevant reports based on customer loyalty or sales numbers. Use the metrics to determine product placement, re-ordering, peak times, and the frequency of customer visits. The more knowledge you have, the better choices you will be ready to proceed. The beauty of Asimot is that it does the legwork of finding the data for you.


Need something more specific? Asimot is committed to helping retailers create a POS that works for them. As a conclusion, our team will work with you to develop a customized system that best matches your individual needs. Not every POS company can say that.


Take a Cloud-based solution to your business click here Cloud POS

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