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How Wholesale And Retail Management Software Is Playing A Greater Role In The Growth Of Textile Business

How Wholesale and Retail Management Software is Playing a Greater Role in the Growth of Textile Business

Every product in a textile retailer goes through several stages, following a certain process from manufacturing to the final destination, before coming to the market. The product is delivered to the customer via the retailer chain only once this entire process is completed.

Today, retailer’s management software has become indispensable for textile, apparel, and other retailers in India to manage the entire supply chain and fulfill the demand of India’s large consumer base. With an advanced Whole Sale & Retail Management System software, all the steps and processes in the textile supply chain are integrated into the distribution of finished products, from manufacturing and packaging to warehousing and transportation.

What is the function of Wholesale and Retailer Management Software in Textile Business?

Let us understand the utility of Wholesale& Retail Management Software in the textile supply chain in detail. Following are just a few of the various advantages of Wholesale & Retail Distribution Management Software; the possibilities are many:

1. Availability in real-time

As a textile retail company, you must get real-time visibility of the requisite business data from all your distribution channels. If you don’t already have advanced Wholesale & Retail Management System software, you’ll have no choice but to trust offline data by your distributors at an unstable frequency that is neither real-time nor authentic.

Yet, this does not have to be so. With retailer management software, you can effectively manage all of your distributors and increase your retail business over the holiday season.

2. Dealing with the situation in a faraway location

Textile retail business is establishing its supply network to new areas as a result of the fast-growing revenue growth across India. This allows for better product conversion.

With challenges such as large volume, time management, and remote location of the suppliers, sometimes it becomes difficult to get clarity of product movement from all suppliers.

Because we don’t have to wait for data to be transferred from an offline application, cloud-based Distribution Management Systems can bring all of the data to your fingertips regardless of the distributor’s location.

3. Makes it easier for suppliers to do their jobs.

Implementing a Textile Distribution Management System software or Procurement Management Software helps in streamlining and automating most of the distributors’ daily tasks. Automation of all kinds of goods movement, system-generated invoicing, details of outstanding payments, intelligent alerts is just a few examples of how a distributor’s work can be made much easier with a Retail Management System.

4. A faster resolution of claims

Another significant advantage of smart Retail Management Systems software is faster claim settlement. Retailers and the business have complete visibility of deliverables and payables thanks to the automation provided by Wholesale Management Software. Furthermore, all claims may be settled in a short period with online claim submission through its Purchase Management Software, as opposed to the manual procedure, which normally involves numerous rounds of revisions and alterations between both stakeholders.

5. Promotional strategies and production planning

Furthermore, supplier’s management software gives owners of textile retail businesses an integrated solution in planning schemes and promotions to attract B2B customers in a high competition environment. It ensures all mandatory checks and balances have been done at the time of invoicing to give retail business owners a clear overview of the performance of each scheme.

6. More frequent stock supply

There is no arguing that textile retail companies need to maintain optimum stock levels, at different touch-points such as stockist, distributor, retailer, etc., especially in the run-up to high-demand seasons like festivals and weddings. Stock, closing date, batch number, return, and more are all visible with a smart, tech-savvy textile entire Sales Management System. It provides a clearer picture of the complete distribution network.

If your distribution system software is coupled with your demand planning module, it will aid in improved production planning, resulting in less or no waste of your production resources.

Advanced Supplier’s Management Software: The Way Textile Forward

According to the 2018 State of the textile survey report, improvement in distribution and wholesale and digitization of the supply chain industry will be one of the key challenges that textile companies will face. Technology is so essential, not just in terms of the supply chain and the consumer, but also in terms of all other internal activities.

Asimot is one of the best providers of advanced retail management software in India. We are the leading retail software providers, having already partnered with hundreds of brands in shaping their retail success stories.

Asimot software solutions for textile and apparel for wholesales distribution allow your company to save a lot of time and money and boost your retail’s growth. Even small businesses can earn their share of the pie in India’s huge retail success story by investing appropriately in wholesale and Purchase Management Software with Asimot.

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