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Identify Your Customer And Generate Higher ROI’s (Return On Investment)

Identify Your Customer and Generate Higher ROI’s (Return on Investment)

Long before a restaurant becomes more operational it has to launch on an impressive journey. This journey is anything but seamless and long hours of planning, re-planning, and its clear execution does not qualify to drive the unique restaurant idea to a productive success.

Modern and technologically with advanced system or software is known as Point of Sale (POS), are adapted due to their high efficiency and robustness that makes the journey to the mountaintop that much easier. However, as the customer trends evolve rapidly the journey uphill becomes one step forward and two steps back.

Asimot journey to become throughout “World” with most advanced, connected and #1 POS for the restaurant market had its share of setbacks. But they didn’t stop us from accepting our challenges, overcome them and make difference for our clients from the major levels.  At present, we are constantly driving innovation and creativity because of which we are able to bring you the next generation POS platform, with Upgrade technology.

How can Asimot POS Software help your restaurant? Here is how you can achieve the success of the power of your restaurant:

1) Manipulation of Data and/or Theft, Fraud

One of the biggest challenges in the restaurant sector faces is with employee trust. If you want your restaurant to theft-free, at your restaurant you “leak” has discovered a huge opportunity. According to The National Restaurant Association, 70 percent of internal employee theft is responsible for inventory shortages. Our POS software refuses staff theft or material wastage as you get to keep track of all aspects of your business from one computer screen.

2) Transaction Records

Theft or loss can be unengaged when accurate data provides an accurate and detailed picture of your restaurant. That is, whether your restaurant is going on the right path or when and where those leakages are noted to financial losses. Transactions records are securely in-built with our POS system so you can access any sales data from anywhere, any time with our Cloud pos by a login.

3) Competitors

A competitor is best described in the words of Business expert’s, “Competitors understand your business the best.” To reduce external threats to revenue and restaurant, gaining advantage from your competitors is the one and only purpose of Asimot.

Why should you choose Asimot for your restaurant?

1) Faster

Our POS helps your customer find their items or food preferences by clarifying the entire process for faster checkout. For example, it can link up your customer’s phone number with their preferences you can identify the customer easily to repeat combo, order or specific instructions which saves times for your customers and your staff.

2) Smarter

With user preferences available, you can make smart recommendations and up sell beverages and deserts with the highest profit margin. In other words, you can make a real-time suggestion for Add-Ons/Extras/Notes when the customer places their order by simply selling, for reason, higher profit margin milkshakes. All data is processed by the POS software, which permits you to make the true suggestion to your customers rather than something and save time while boosting sales into profits.

3) Better

A POS software connects all your services together and Advance features systems helps you get the full potential of those services by offering to your customers. Business customer service, monthly payment for that you need to keep the book for every other aspect, internal or external, of your restaurant to one place helps you focus on all facts seamlessly.It may have been difficult in the past to make future predictions, but now with the advance pos system, it is possible to revoke uncertainties towards generating higher ROIs (Return of investments ), delivering best customer service and securing your ideas.

To know more how Advanced pos software can well-prepare you for any current or upcoming challenges, and/or give you the competitive edge contact us at +91 818 985 5678, +91 875 444 8927 or simply visit

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