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Importance Of Table Booking

Importance of Table Booking

Table Booking

Asimot App is an online table booking,POS,online ordering, events managing system which help restaurants to manage all booking details and sales. It is user friendly platform where users easily can booking their dinner tables, check events and order online food.

Importance of Table Booking

Nowadays it has become common for fine dining restaurants to offer table reservations(Booking) to their customers. In fact, this service has become an integral part of a restaurant’s operation, because of its multiple benefits and features. Even though there are still types of restaurants that prefer the modality of first-come, first served, the majority of fine dining and casual restaurants organize their operation through table reservations. As it has become part of restaurants’ service to offer reservations, clients are tending more and more towards making use of this offer, and for some people, it has become mandatory to make a table reservation before going out to a restaurant since there are also benefits for the customer in this type of service.

Benefits of Restaurants

A restaurant will weigh the advantages and the disadvantages of offering the service of table booking to its customers, and even though there is a cost involved in this service, the benefits it offers will outweigh all the disadvantages one may consider.

Offering table bookings may be a good tool to increase demand for certain restaurants. As customers know that there is a limited capacity of seats, they will always prefer to make a table booking instead of arriving at the restaurant and facing a long waiting line. This tool helps the restaurant to keep a high demand of its customers on busy nights, and even better, to increase traffic on slow nights, when customers make reservations because they don’t know how crowded the restaurant will be.

Table bookings are also a handy tool in competitive markets since it makes it possible for restaurants to “steal” some market share from its competition. This occurs when clients are not able to get a reservation at their “first choice” restaurant and they decide to go to their “second choice” restaurant, where they are able to get a reservation.

This service represents an important benefit for restaurants, because by guaranteeing customers a seat, they will be able to start operating at an earlier time, and serve food until a later time than average, and thus, serve more parties each day, and consequently, have a higher daily income.

The modality of table bookings helps restaurants to estimate demand in a more accurate way, and therefore, to improve sourcing and staffing, and to manage costs more efficiently. By managing workflow in a better way, through reservations, the restaurant will be able to deliver a better quality of service.

Benefits of customers

A client will always benefit from being able to make a table reservation at the restaurant he wishes to go. Nowadays, the majority of people prefer to go out knowing that they have a reservation, instead of incurring the risk of not getting a table at the desired place.

A clear benefit of making a table reservation for customers is the security that they will experience when going out to a restaurant. Making a reservation will guarantee the client that he will receive his table at the time and place he has planned.

It will be an advantage for the customer to know in advance that he will not have to go through the trouble of waiting until a table is available, or being put on a waiting list, or in the worst case, needing to find another place to eat, because the one chosen won’t be able to serve him.

Another important benefit of making a reservation in the desired restaurant is the better quality of service one will receive. As the restaurant knows at what time and with how many people the customer will arrive, a comfortable table with enough seats and space will be reserved and the restaurant’s staff will be prepared to serve the arriving group.

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