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Manage POS orders smoothly with Asimot Retail ERP

Modern Retail has a new cynosure- focusing on consumer shopping experience and adapting to change to give the consumer the best shopping experience. POS orders is a very common retail practice where the customers can make the advance payments against their selection of items. The remaining payment is made at the time of the delivery of the items.

This can be practiced under any of the following circumstances

When an item he likes is not available according to his requirement and it needs to be purchased exclusively for him. For example, his shirt size is of 42 and he likes the item which was available in 40 sizes exclusively in the inventory.

He wants some customization’s in the available item. which normally requires a customization.

It gives the customer a pleasant shopping experience which thereby creates personal bonding and customer becomes loyal to the brand or the store.

Managing the POS orders is a critical aspect in a Retail ERP and if mismanaged can lead to adversity. A new feature in Asimot retail ERP has been introduced where POS orders can be easily managed. This feature not only gives the flexibility to handle such orders in a secure way by having complete control from HO but will also provide a real-time reporting of the same.

The highlights of this feature are:

1. Once a POS order is made for the item, the item quantity can be blocked in the inventory. This is known as Layaway concept. Thus at the time of replenishment planning, the system will provide the management of real-time data of the inventory.

2. Multiple orders for a single item can be reconciled at a time and vice versa.

3. If a customer is tagged in the POS order, then the system will quickly reconcile the items by analyzing the items mentioned in POS orders tagged against him.

4. The adjustment of the advance given by a particular customer is done in proportion to the price percentage constituent of that item to the total price of the products locked against his name. This will prevent the customer to back out from his commitment, in case multiple orders have been made by him.

5. Different stages of a POS order can be tracked and stage-wise report can be easily generated through it.


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