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Cloud POS

How Secure Is Your Cloud Based POS System?

With the internet affecting almost all facets of our life, it was only a matter of time that the spaces available on the hard disks of computers will cease to be sufficient. When it comes to businesses that require constant connectivity and sharing of information in real time, there is an increasing need for cloud-based solutions.

It’s the new upcoming technology taking over the market by storm, and for a good reason. One of the bigger IT consulting companies predicted that the cloud will become the centre of user’s digital life and the shift is indeed happening. Welcome to the 21st century. Actually, if you are below the age of 25 you probably already forgot that flash drives are still a very real thing.

Cloud Based Restaurant POS Software

The cloud has become a place where people meet to exchange and store data. It’s convenient and remotely accessible. It works with an abundance of devices such as tablets and smartphones and provides for greater flexibility. If you aren’t already using it, you should consider how it can dramatically improve your productivity. I will admit though, you can’t stop but wonder, how secure is your data in the cloud? How vulnerable does it leave your information? Not that I think someone would have fun reading the backup of my text messages, but I see how someone might take this issue seriously if they store their business or financial data “up there”.


We constantly hear people preaching about online security and how logging into public Wi-Fi networks puts you at heightened risk for data breaches. With the millions of transactions occurring daily, hackers are bound to get their hands on some poor lad’s information. In recent years, we have come across several severe data breaches like Target, Sony and even the IRS and the FBI were part of the unlucky winner’s pool. Data simply isn’t as safe anymore as it used to be, which is why you need to pay excessive attention to the safeguards your cloud based POS system puts in place.

Anyways, let’s take a look at the obvious safeguards to keep your data hidden from little hacker’s eyes and fingers. One of the most obvious and simple solutions is to limit access to your POS system. Varying permission levels are the key especially if you run an establishment with a high employee turnover.

Read the user agreements and make sure you understand the details of your cloud service, and for god’s sake don’t use your pet’s name as a password. The majority of someone’s account being broken into is due to their ridiculous easy passwords.The same counts for your hubby and your kids. No doubt you have a fantastic family, but if I can figure out their existence on your Facebook page, it is most certainly the most awful idea for a password choice. Also, don’t use the exact same password for all your accounts or store them unsecured online. On that note, we will dedicate a blog post to creating clever passwords and their safekeeping in the future.

Minimum Downtime

Now let’s get to the most important feature to consider when storing data online or on the cloud. You have to use a service or system that offers direct point-to-point encryption. Up to this date it’s the best way to secure your transaction data and what’s commonly called (point-to-point) encryption is actually required to be compliant with the new PCI standards. Point-to-point shouldn’t be confused with end-to-end encryption. The later doesn’t offer the same security standards. Just know that Asimot App POS gives you all the bells and whistles you need to keep your data safe!

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