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Simple and Easy POS Software for Inventory Management

Food Costing

Asimot POS helps you with strict control on raw material procurement at correct rates, issuing in the right quantity at the right time. It keeps to check and constant on food costing and improves quality. The software also creates production for sold item and raw material based on the sold items. The food costing report is based on the real-time sales and stock journal entries.

Store and Inventory

Are you still using paper and sheet, issue notes or Excel to manage your inventory? Manual record keeping makes it difficult to maintain records (e.g. used items and out of stock) and corruption (e.g. suppliers billing or quality at higher prices). This eats up a major role in the operating funds and directly affects profits and guest services.

Asimot Application comes with inventory control system for procurement, purchasing, storing,production with stock verification. It comes with an effective store control that prevents malpractice and corruption. It also supports stock take and keeps a strong check with inventory reports to enhance checks and balances.

Procurement and Purchasing

An operating restaurant needs to store many items with different computation patterns, minimum order quantity and supplier. This makes it difficult to maintain a good inventory position and at the same time do not run out of stock position.

The Asimot  software module automatically lists out the items that need to be procured with re-order quantity based on consumption during a specified period and predefined supply lead-time. It ensures that receipt of the quality of goods and also specified in the purchase orders. It helps you to maintain the record damaged goods and existing goods, in-delivery and out-delivery of goods-all backed by a robust audit system to ensure the compliance with the business policy.

The purchase module instantly show the history details about last purchase details and you can able to fills last prices by entrée.. It enables you to classify each purchase and tracking and monitor good and bad suppliers. It also helps to create masters records when you are adding new products. You can even define rate contracts or price lists for supplies.

Stock-In and Stock-Out Balances

Stock-in and Stock-out wills helps to detect and discourage malpractice in store management. Storage existing with many items on a daily basis, a full stock in one go is not practical. Asimot Software helps to record the stock of items based on random warehouse, group, bin, etc. It also simplifies the periodical stock-in and stock-out and recording of the inventory count. The physical stock check is reconciled with the inventory records and helps to handle such a missing stock. It also allows to make the necessary correction with automatic adjustment for excess or Storage

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