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Wine Pos

The Liquor wine POS inventory: How it can help uncork your Profits

If you run a retail liquor store, you should acquire liquor wine POS inventory if you want to uncork your profits. The functions of POS, reporting, and management of your software system can be customized top make time more productive, the paperwork more manageable and the liquor business more successful. One of the greatest single investments that the owner of the retail store can make is to automate the business. High-quality merchant software can greatly save you money and time at the same time increase your profits. The Point of Sale (POS) not only maximizes the sales but also the profits. It ensures that there is no single opportunity that is lost. Liquor stores, like the other retail businesses, need software that features easy to use POS interface which speeds the service to customers and provides all the necessary functions of sales. However, liquor retailers have some other special requirements. This is the reason why liquor wine POS inventory covers the wide array of functions which are needed by all the people. It is also packed with additional features that are custom designed to meet the needs of the liquor retailers. These include the following:

Product information easy access

After acquiring POS inventory, you will never again have to run so that you can check the price because you can find it all at the register. The quantity, pricing and deposit information is readily available.

Instant age verification

Most countries have laws that prohibit the sale of liquor to persons aged less than 18 years. How do you verify the age of the customer? With this system, it is very simple because you simply need to swipe or scan driver’s license right at the sales screen.

Multi-pack items

This POS inventory includes multiple pack items which make it different and superior to the other POS packages. The other POS systems tend to have some problem dealing beer and wine in particular. Liquor is mostly sold in single, case, 6-pack, 30-pack, etc. Liquor POS is capable of handling all these and at the same time keeping the inventory accurate.
Other important features include the following

• Integrated processing of cards
• Manual and automated discounts for grouped or single items
• Processing of deposits on all sales including kegs. It also offers deposit returns
• Customizable, detailed receipts.

Liquor wine POS inventory also offers the advantage of customer management. This system recognizes the special customers. Liquor POS provides the beverage retailers with the necessary tools that they need for enhancement of relationship with their customers. It makes it easy and possible to track sales as per group of customers, individual customers, and by zip code. Based on these statistics, you can design a program of rewarding your frequent buyers with the discount to encourage them to buy more. The tracking of the history or purchasing also helps the owners of liquor retail outlets to focus more on their sales efforts. The Liquor wine POS inventory also makes it easy and possible to track sales by distributor, department, type, brand or item.


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