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What Are The Way To Make More Profit In Your Restaurant Using Unavu Pos Application

What Are the Way to Make More Profit in Your Restaurant Using Asimot POS Application

Point of Sale

The top restaurant owner invest in the best retail point of sales software along with the hardware setup . POS is vital to their business and it should work as per your restaurant strategy . It’s no longer just about working as an organization making sales, but more and more about focusing on technology as in intelligent retail point of sale system.
Bill payment at the point of sale have their task cut out – be efficient. we make their lives simple and easy to use with the retail Point of sales software.

Stable Cash Point

The point of sales software is defined by its centralized collection which needs to be efficient while collecting customer information, by redeeming loyalty points, gift vouchers or coupon codes or applying any bill discounts or promotions.

  • Good by attributes like brand, color etc.
  • Multiple selection cause price to be prompted in different customized with multiple variant options
  • If food item has been order it automatic integrated with table as per waiter select table.
  • Accept multiple tender in single payment
  • Unnecessary menu items can hide in catalog
  • Allow multi payment process like Debit, Credit, Rupay, Wallets etc….
  • Take deposits and advances. Make refunds
  • Take an advance booking for customer like birthday party order etc….
  • Control all restaurant management from head office in terms of percentage or amount.
  • Allow customers to order food in separate department(Takeaway/Online order)and then collect all items after paying at cash counter using concept of delivery slip.
  • Check stock of item at other stores.

Data Storage

Asimot  automatically updates the sale and stock of the POS back at the head office. This happens for any stores room to verify the in-stock out- stock and any promotions applied automatically too.

Inventory Stock Back-up

  • Create a purchase order at specifically for the goods to be received at the store room.
  • Enter the stock-in of goods against the good receive to enter less or more than marked quantity.
  • Stock-in as per head office’s directions
  • Add or modify items to create new items by connecting with pos software.
  • After stock-out it will show as remaining stock items automatically

POS for Multi Stores

The multi store has been fuelled by new business model of franchising where multiple administrator take up part of the risk of inventory. Asimot pos software supports your to transparently. If the multi store, all the stock will be under control but it won’t be affect any accounts. Promotions, pricing, security and all other aspects can still be controlled.

Secure Point of Sales Software

  • Auto backup by using cloud/local server.
  • User security configuration.
  • Multi level access under secure.
  • Easily manage KOT and Waiter section with secure.
  • End to End secure report view at POS.

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